
philosophy, society

How to read Kafka, part 1. Indeed. I don’t have the time, patience or drive to read all through the modern thinkers. But I do have the time to wish I could read and study them. There exist these books that summarize them, and although I was told these books are for cheaters, I don’t think that is true: I must not be the only person with limited time for a serious study of Kafka, but yet still interested in the precise origins of the ‘kafkaesque’, so, if you can accept the thinking is done for you (one hopes these summaries are largely concensus-based), then why not?

Above a summary of a few of Kafka’s works. I really like how he sees how rationalism is no guarantee for better results. Being aware of our human nature is essential for any improvement (The Burrow) and we must be aware that old structures can be identical to new ones without us realizing (The Castle). Good stuff, even if it is a summary!