Leestips Juni
leestips, society, immigration, europe, aliens, insect, food, argumentation
I really should create a separate section for recommended reading materials, perhaps split by language. Until then, “Leestips Juni”:
- Je moet geen heilige proberen te zijn. A call for the moderation of Europe’s desire to do good.
- ‘We sluiten de ogen voor moslimgeweld’. An interesting idea: some groups (of immigrants) are destabilizing society because they’re not respecting the state’s monopoly on violence.
- Hier in Holland heerst de ziekte van lekker. If the country (of the Netherlands) is more or less finished, what is left to fight for?
- Jean-Claude Juncker is alles wat er mis is met Europa in één persoon. Actually from june 2014 ;)
For my international readers, here two old links I have not had the time to write about: